Mild CW: I do mention my pregnancy in passing here!

Well, I’m trying, anyway. Being pregnant is kind of kicking my butt, energy-wise, but I’m making good progress on Shameless and I’m even holding my own in a short story contest I entered awhile back!
This is where my current stats for Shameless stand:

I’d estimate I’m about a third of the way through the story (according to vibes; I have an outline I could consult for a more exact answer but I rarely stick to it til the end). So that means Shameless is shaping up to be about as long as Boundless. I’m determined to finish this book before I give birth! But chaos uh..finds a way.
The story contest I entered is the NYC Midnight 2024 short story contest, and I just made it to round three! I entered before I found out I was with goblin and let me tell you, with how bad the brain chemicals have been I didn’t think I’d make it this far. And yet!
Once I’m no longer part of the contest (either because it’s over or I didn’t make it to the next and final round) I’ll post my short stories here for curious folk to peruse. They’re not my usual thing, since they have us write to a randomized prompt, but I think they’re cool anyway!
Until next time, my goblins!