ALITD Anniversary Box Pre-Orders are Canceled

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You are currently viewing ALITD Anniversary Box Pre-Orders are Canceled

The listing is no longer in my shop, and those of you who participated should have gotten a refund (or at least a notification that the process of getting a refund is started). If you haven’t, please email me or message me on Etsy and I’ll look into it!

I am truly sorry for having to do this, and wish I could have been able to get everything together like I’d planned. But life threw some crazy wrenches at me this year, and it just feels more comfortable for me to switch from pre-orders to listing and shipping when everything is ready.

I am finding it impossible to convey just how thankful I am for everyone who supported me with the pre-orders. Your kindness and patience truly warmed my soul, and I hope that once the boxes do finally come together that you enjoy them!